Thursday, March 24, 2011

Use Us or Lose Us

Guest blogger, Vernon Hamblin of Unilet Sound & Vision and BADA board member asks us to ponder a few things...

Unilet Sound & Vision Ltd has survived for just over 42 years. It has survived, like thousands of other independent and privately owned shops and businesses the length and breadth of every High Street in this land, for two principal reasons:

First, it is a SPECIALIST retailer. It is staffed and owned by specialists. It is stocked with specialist equipment that those specialists know every inch of. They know how each bit of Hi-Fi and Home Cinema works. Why it does or doesn't work with other components. “Knowledge is Power” as someone once said. But fanaticism is something so much more powerful. Pick our brains......we are fanatics!

Second, Unilet survives because it wants to. We genuinely care that your Hi-Fi or Home Cinema looks and sounds as good as it possibly can for the budget you have set yourself. It prides itself on its levels of customer service. Its competitive prices. Its incomparable choice of product lines and unrivalled facilities.

But now Unilet Sound & Vision, like all independent specialist retailers, is at war. This war started quietly a few years ago......almost Guerilla like. Now that battle is full-on open warfare. Who are we in conflict with?
The answer may shock's you.

Yes, YOU...the customer.

The customer who spends too much time on the internet. So much time, in fact, that it is neither good or healthy for you. Please stop believing that the 'Best price is the Best deal' isn't. You are doing yourself a disservice. Get out and get among us. We're nice people just trying to do a good job. Come and talk to us and look and listen. It's so much more interesting than the computer screen!

In the meantime, we'll keep on keeping on......”Cry 'Havoc' and let slip the dogs of war” is a call to arms for us all. Do it not and the High Street we know and love simply won't exist!