Friday, August 21, 2009

How to really screw up your hi-fi system.

How to really screw up your hi-fi system. And what to do about it.
The British Audio-Visual Dealers Association, the UK industry’s trade body, will be showing you how to get the best out of your hi-fi system with a cut down version of its award winning Demcraft course at the National Audio Show, 26-27 September, Whittlebury Hall, nr Silverstone.

Every member of staff in every BADA dealer has completed the Demcraft course and so, for the first time ever in the UK, there is a network of hi-fi retailers all trained to the same industry agreed standard, who can present you with the best possible product demonstrations. When you sit down and listen to a selection of equipment in a BADA member’s shop, you can be sure that the dealer knows it inside out, has set it up correctly, has matched it correctly and knows how to show you its capabilities, so you can make an informed decision.

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