Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Ads like this don't help

There's so much more to buying technology than just getting the lowest
price. Will dixons.co.uk install, setup and calibrate your new plasma,
nevermind advise you on the right product for your needs? I doubt it.
This advert I've just spotted on the tube network is indicative of the
obsession with getting the lowest price and the increasingly blatant
advice from, amongst others, some of the media, who seem to think it's
perfectly reasonable to use the expert retailers for advice, wasting
their time and then to go buy from a discounter.
OK, so the shop this ad is hinting at (notice the use of yellow) isn't
a specialist independent, but the principle is just the same. Support
your local specialist - they won't be the cheapest, but they will give
you the best advice, service and back up.
Check out www.bada.co.uk for your nearest.

1 comment:

  1. Ads should do less undercutting and more self promotion. I mean I was watching ads from www.avplannersinc.com just now and they didn't do all that undercutting - they just stated and promoted themselves. Wish companies would stop behaving like politicians flinging dirt!
