Thursday, October 1, 2009

BADA really screwed it up in Room 101

At the National Audio Show , in a presentation entitled “How to really screw up your hi-fi system and what to do about it”, the UK hi-fi industry’s trade association shared elements of the multi-award winning Demcraft course, normally used to train dealers in the art of system setup, with hi-fi consumers. Demcraft trainer, Roger Batchelor, along with BADA chairman Simon Byles and operations manager, Phil Hansen, demonstrated the importance of correct system setup to scores of people who visited BADA in the ironically selected Room 101.

Using two separate hi-fi systems, a £1,800 system well set up and a £7,000 system very badly set up, the trainers were able to show that the carefully prepared system sounded better than the significantly more expensive system that had been badly prepared. After putting right the 10 faults that had been deliberately introduced into the system it was demonstrated again, clearly showing how much its performance had improved. The attendees were shown the faults and given explanations of what their effect on the sound was and how they were rectified, so they could check their own systems and make simple, free, improvements to them.

BADA succeeded in training all customer facing staff in all BADA members’ shops earlier in 2009, creating the UK’s first ever network of hi-fi dealers trained to the same standard.

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